

Cover Page

Vol 11, No 2 (2020): More Progress in Topological Geometrodynamics

Cognitive Representations for String-like Objects; Model for the Formation of Galaxies; Quantum Measurement in ZEO; Miniature Version of Spiral Galaxy; Two Anomalies Explained by Dark Fusion; Dynamics of State Function Reductions; Condensed Matter Surprises; EMC Effect; Dark Energy & Galactic Dark Matter; Monopole Flux Tube; Quantum Randomness & Classical Chaos; Exotic Pion Like States; & Solutions to Energy Problem.

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Vol 11, No 1 (2020): Anyon Physics, Topology of Dark Matter & Fractional Field Theory

Anyon Physics & the Topology of Dark Matter; Bypassing the Axion Paradigm; Kaluza-Klein Cosmological Model; Information to Schrodinger Based Life Processes; Fractional Spacetime & Emergence of the Dark Sector; Baryon Asymmetry from the Minimal Fractal Manifold; Possibility of Binary Companion of the Sun; From Chaos & Strange Attractors to Quantum Theory; & The Perils of Post-Empirical Science & Their Resolution.

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Vol 10, No 8 (2019): Submicroscopic Physics, Fractal Geometry, Quantum Information, & Formation of Galaxies

Representation of Submicroscopic Physics; Fractal Geometry of Quantum Paths; Minimal Fractal Manifold; Cosmic String Model; Dynamics in Relativity to Quantum Theory; Anisotropic Bianchi V Bulk Viscous Fluid Model; Dark Energy Model in Five-Dimension; Reverse Quantum Mechanics; Is Gravity a Fundamental Force? Mass Induction by a Black Hole; Cosmology in Crisis; Dual Nature of Dark Matter; Earthquake as Macroscopic Quantum Jump; Electric Universe Hypothesis & TGD; & Are Fundamental Entities Discrete or Continuous?

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Vol 10, No 7 (2019): Non-Abelian Field of Electron, Quark Memory, & Twistors in TGD

Non-Abelian Field Current of Self-interacting Electron; Do Quarks Have Memory? Twistors in TGD; Why Ramified Primes Are Special Physically; Bianchi Type –VIo String Model in Massive Scalar Field; Modified Takabayasi String with Bulk Viscous Fluid; Cyclic Surfaces of Constant Gauss Curvature; Change of Willmore Energy of a Curve; Exo/Endo Observer Spacetime Dimensions from Kolmogorov Entropy; Newtonian Dynamics with Variable Mass; SUSY in TGD Universe; Quantum Self-organization; Solar Metallicity Problem; & Conflict of Quantum Theory & Classical Gravity.

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Vol 10, No 6 (2019): Primordial Space-time Metric, Holographic Principle, & Quantum Gravity

A Primordial Space-time Metric; Holographic Principle of Quantum Gravity; New Aspects of M8-H Duality; Bianchi Type-I Models in f(R, T) Gravity Theory; Cyclic DNA Codes Over the Ring Z8 + uZ8; Is Gravity a Fundamental Force? ZEO Based Quantum Measurement Theory; Revision of the Friedmann Cosmology; Accelerating Universe, Dark Energy & the Alpha Variation; One-Note-Samba Approach to Cosmology; Massive Gravity in the Mandelbrot Set; & TGD View on McKay Correspondence.

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Vol 10, No 5 (2019): Gravitation, Sum-of-Squares Relationship, Cosmological Model, & Monopolar Electron

Gravity Represented in the Mandelbrot Set; Derivation of the Sum-of-Squares Relationship; Sphere with String Monopole & Cosmological Constant; Cosmological Model with Global Equation of State; Simple Harmonic Oscillator in k-MOND; Kantowski-Sachs New Holographic Dark Energy Model; Proof of the Existence of Gravitational Torsion; AdS/CFT in the Mandelbrot Set; Comments on a Concept in General Relativity; & Monopolar Quantum Relativistic Electron.

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Vol 10, No 4 (2019): Link Between Pure Math & Physics, Shnoll Effect, Solar Surprise, & Monopolar Electron

Scattering Amplitudes & Orbits of Cognitive Representations; Shnoll Effect Decade Later; Link Between Pure Math & Physics; Heavy Element Surprise; Monopolar Quantum Relativistic Electron; Solar Surprise; Fluctuations of Newton's Constant & TGD; & Twistor Llift of TGD & WCW Geometry.

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Vol 10, No 3 (2019): Computation in Nature, Mandelbrot Cosmology, & Monopolar Electron

Spatially Homogeneous Bianchi Type I Mesonic Model; FRW-type Kaluza-Klein Inflationary Model; Bianchi Type III String Cosmological Model; Reconciliation with Standard Model; Origin of Time in Mandelbrot Cosmology; Stirling Numbers; SUSY after LHC; Monopolar Quantum Relativistic Electron; Minimal Surfaces; Anomalies of Hadron Physics; Quantum Scarring; & Cantor Dust Composition of Dark Matter.

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Vol 10, No 2 (2019): Field Configuration, Skew Codes, Mandelbrot Set & Cosmology

TGD Counterparts of Classical Field Configuration; Friedmann Cosmology with Decaying Λ; String Cosmology with Bulk Viscosity; Codes Over the Ring; Stirling Numbers; Gravitation, Entropy & the Mandelbrot Set; Construction of Scattering Amplitudes in TGD; Squared Neutron Number & Nuclear Binding Energy; Big Science & “Deep Science”; Inspiration of Tesla; & Cracking Causality.

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Vol 10, No 1 (2019): Dimensional Reduction, Quantum Motion, Memory of Nature & Nature of Reality

Dimensional Reduction, Duality & Condensation Gravity; Self-interacting Electron as Gauge Field; Memory of Nature; Cosmological Constant; Two fluid Axially Symmetric Cosmological Model; Inflationary Scenario in Bianchi Type-V Spacetime; Magnetized Anisotropic Dark Energy; Potentials for the Lanczos Spintensor; Neutrino Mass Matrix; Identities of Chen-Choi; EPR in Quantum Mechanics; Prespacetime & Samapatti; Schrodinger & Creation; Electron Model; & TGD View about Quasars.

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Vol 9, No 10 (2018): A Process Approach on Spacetime & Quantum Mechanics, & Evolution of Coupling Constant

Space, Time & Quantum Mechanics: A Process Approach; TGD View About Coupling Constant Evolution; TGD-Based Explanation of New Neutrino Anomalies; More About Quark Gluon Plasma & M89 Physics; Plausible Approach to Unify Gravitation & Electromagnetism; Roles of Dark Protons & Electrons in Dielectric Breakdown? Hierarchy of Planck Constants & Variation of Newton's Constant, & Analogs of CKM Mixing & Neutrino Oscillations.

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Vol 9, No 9 (2018): String-like Object, Fractional Derivative, Physical Reality, & Emergent World

String-like Objects as Dark Matter; Some Equations in Newman-Penrose Formalism; Kantowski-Sachs Universe with Anisotropic Dark Energy; Some Forms of Maxwell Equations; Riemannian Geometry & Fractional Derivative; Physical Reality & Topological Geometrodynamics; & Emergence of Properties.

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Vol 9, No 8 (2018): The Nonlinear Quantum Field Theory

Focus Issue Featuring the Work of Alexander G. Kyriakos.

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Vol 9, No 7 (2018): Quantum Relativity, Dynamical Spacetime, & Zero Energy Ontology

Quantum Relativity & Dynamical Spacetime; Cosmology Based on Zero Energy Ontology; Five-Dimensional Inflationary Universe; Stirling Numbers, & Bell Polynomials; High Tc Superconductivity, & Classical Field Equation; Derivation of Fluidic Maxwell-Proca Equations; Expanding Earth Hypothesis; Formula for Gravitational Planck Constant; Cosmic Acceleration with Evolving Dark Matter; Possible Existence of Strong Elementary Charge; & Comment on Gravitional Waves.

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Vol 9, No 6 (2018): Multi-Horizon, Space-like Curve, & E8 via Cellular Automata

Cosmological Models in Lyra Geometry; Bianchi Type-I Brans-Dicke Universe; Binary Systems in Multi-Horizon Universe; Real Scalar Wave Functions; Identity of Wilf & Euler-Mascheroni’s Constant; Spacelike Curve via the Type-2 Bishop Frame; & E8 Physics from CI(8) via Cellular Automata Bits.

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Vol 9, No 5 (2018): Lorentz Symmetry, Multifractal Scaling & Quantum Criticality

Lorentz Symmetry from Multifractal Scaling; New Insights about Quantum Criticality; Bianchi Type-II Universe with Massive String; Stirling Numbers & Sums of Powers of Integers; Characterizations of the Space-like Curves; Bell Polynomials; Maxwell's Lever Rule & Expansion of Freezing Water; CBM Cold Spot & Inflationary Cosmology; On Maxwell-Dirac Isomorphism; & TGD Based View about Star Formation.

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Vol 9, No 4 (2018): Cosmological Models & Alternative Physics

Rydberg Polarons & TGD View About Spacetime; Lyra’s Geometry in Bianchi Type II String Dust Model; Kantowski-Sachs Bulk Viscous Fluid Universe; Dynamics of Kantowski-Sachs Universe; Modified Holographic Ricci Dark Energy Model; Dark Energy in Evolving Quantum Cosmology; Bianchi Type-I Cosmological Model with Varying Ʌ; Decelerating Anisotropic Bianchi Type-VI0 Model; Lanczos Potential in Terms of the Weyl Tensor; Note on He-Ricci’s Identity; Relations Among Instantaneous Rotation Vectors; Critique of Physics Theory Inconsistencies; How Many Points are there in a Line Segment? TGD Based Model for Graphene Superconductivity.

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Vol 9, No 3 (2018): Recent Discoveries in Physics & Their Perspectives from TGD Framework

On the Three Findings by LIGO; New Strange Effects Associated with Galaxies; Recent Views About Twistorialization in TGD; Darboux Rotation Axis & Special Curves; New Special Helices in Galilean Space G4; On the Strange Spin Asymmetry at RHIC; TGD View on 4-D Quantum Hall Effect; Effective Planck Constant & Galois Covering; & Maxwell's Demon from TGD Viewpoint.

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Vol 9, No 2 (2018): Projects & Explorations of Relativity, Quantum Theory & Gravitation

Project on Quantum Relativity; Bianchi Type-VI Model with an E.M Field in Lyra Geometry; Magnetized Holographic Dark Energy Cosmological Model; The Inverse Matrix & Eigenvalue Problem; A Proof of the Kauers-Schneider’s Identity; Mesostratum Geometrodynamic Gravitation; Plausible Connection of Photon Mass & FSC Variation; On the Antirealism Tendency in Modern Physics; & On the Subjective-Idealism in Physics.

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Vol 9, No 1 (2018): Models of Gravity, Prespacetime & Nucleon Affinity Field

LRS Bianchi Type-II Model with Stiff-Matter in f(R, T) Gravity; 5-D Spherically Symmetric Perfect Fluid Models in Lyra Manifold; Bianchi Type-III Dark Energy Model in a Scalar Tensor Theory; On the Langer Transformation; On Prespacetime, Consciousness & Samapatti; A Plausible Route to a Cellular Automata Adhesion Universe; Four Possible Ways to Model a Rotating Universe; How Simple Can Gravity Be? Mesostratum & Cubic Lattice Nucleon Affinity Field.

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Vol 8, No 14 (2017): Kaluza-Klein Bouncing Model & Primordial Cubic Lattice Nucleons

Kaluza-Klein Bouncing Cosmological Model; Bianchi Type-V Cosmological Model; Neutronium or Neutron? Primordial Cubic Lattice Nucleons; & Theoretical Physics between Adjacent Realities.

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Vol 8, No 13 (2017): Enumerative Algebraic Geometry & Other Progresses in TGD

Enumerative Algebraic Geometry in TGD; Riemann-Roch Theorem in TGD; Does Physics Emerge from the Notion of Number? What Does Cognitive Representability Really Mean? Quantum Measurement Theory in TGD; Could the Precursors of Perfectoids Emerge in TGD? On Fundamentals of Mathematics; From Amplituhedron to Associahedron; On Dark Nuclear Synthesis; & On Hierarchy of Planck Constants.

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Vol 8, No 12 (2017): Progress in Math. Physics: Inextensible Flows, Identities & Lanczos Tensor/Spinor/Scalar

Inextensible Flows of Curves with Ribbon Frame; Identities of Gould & Spivey; Superpotential for the Liénard-Wiechert’s E.M. Field; Superpotentials for the Lanczos Tensor/Spinor; Series Transformation Formula of Boyadzhiev; Lima’s Identity for ζ(2n); Paule-Schneider’s Identities for Harmonic Numbers; Lanczos Generator for Type-D Vacuum Spacetimes; Churchill-Plebañski & Petrov Classifications for Spacetimes; Complex Lanczos Scalar; Identity Involving Bell & Stirling Numbers; & Identities of Chang-Xu & Spivey.

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Vol 8, No 11 (2017): Quantum Entanglement, Quantum Nonlocality, Quantum Information & Their Implications

This is a Focus Issue featuring Michele Caponigro’s work: Two Realities: Quantum Entanglment versus Non-Locality; Quantum Mechanics: Philosophy & Interpretations; Observer as Consciousness (?): QM & von Neumann Chain; Epistemological Overview of Quantum Non-Locality; Philosophy of Quantum Entanglement; Quantum Information: A New Ontology? Entanglement & MWI of Quantum Mechanics; Quantum Entanglement & Time; & Quantum Entanglement & the Implicate Order.

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Vol 8, No 10 (2017): Explorations on Quantum Formulism, Broken Scale Invariance & Cubic Lattice Nuclear Model

Epistemological Considerations of Quantum Formulism; Anisotropic Stiff Fluid Model with Incident Magnetic field; Holographic Dark Energy Model with Generalized Chaplygin Gas; Plane Symmetric Inhomogeneous Model with E.M. Field; Murphy’s Combinatorial Identity; Some Identities for the Laguerre Polynomials; Nuclear Binding Energy Connected with Strong Interaction; 44 Admissible Questions of Quantum Mechanics; Poincare Group & the Philosophy of Nagarjuna in QM; A Second Order Effect; Standard Model from Broken Scale Invariance; Newton's Corpuscular Theory of Light; & Cubic Lattice Bonding of Graphene, Benzene & Ozone.

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