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Vol 6, No 12 (2015): Formless Observer III, Trespassing on the Anthropic Lawn & Topics in Math-Physics, Cosmology & Nuclear Physics

The Identification of the Formless with Lesser Form; Riemann Zeta & Generic Coupling Constant Evolution; Why Us: Trespassing on an Anthropic Lawn (Part I & II); Lanczos Generators for the Weyl Tensor in Kerr Geometry; Early Decelerating & Late-Time Accelerating Model; A Cyclic Model Universe with Dark Energy; A New Version of Bishop Frame & Its Application; Cosmological Magnetic Fields & Navier-Stokes Equation & On Fundamental Nuclear Physics & Quantum Physics.

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Vol 6, No 11 (2015): Formless Observer II, Life in Parallel Worlds & Various Cosmological Models

On the Nature of & Relation between the Formless Observer & Form (II); Life in Parallel Worlds & Buddhist Psycho-Metaphysics; Several Cosmological Models with Different Parameters; A Few Topics in Mathematical Physics; Higgs Scalar as Topological Condensate of Gauge Bosons; Several Exploratory Models on Navier-Stokes Cosmology, STR with Invariant Length, "Neutronium" & Unified Picture of Nuclear Binding Energy; & Black Hole Cosmology Evolving with Light Speed.

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Vol 6, No 10 (2015): Formless Observer, Ghost-free QFT & Various Cosmological Models

Ghost-free Quantum Gauge Theory on Fractal Spacetime; On the Nature of & Relation between the Formless Observer & Form; Several Cosmological Models with Different Parameters; Several Topics in Mathematical Physics; Reports on B Meson, Coulomb Potential & Graphene-Like effects; Pioneer Anomaly as a Mass Accretion Phenomenon; & Exploration on Black Holes and Hawking Radiation.

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Vol 6, No 9 (2015): Cosmological Models, TGD-related Progress & Topics in Mathematical Physics

Cosmological Solutions in Lorentz-Invariant Gravitation; Could One Define Dynamical Homotopy Groups in WCW? Several Cosmological Models in the Theories of Gravitation; Several Topics in Mathematical Physics; Does Color Deconfinement Really Occur? Spacetime Embedded into Space of Constant Curvature; Empty Type D Metrics & Their Lanczos Potential; On Some Expected Novel Results from the LHC; London-Proca-Hirsch Equations on Cantor Sets; Quantum Computation in TGD Universe; & Black Hole Cosmology & Hindu Cosmic Age.

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Vol 6, No 8 (2015): Gravitational Models, TGD-related Progress & Topics in Mathematical Physics

Test Particle in the Gravitational Field of a Rotating Source; Progress in Topologcal Geometrodynamics (TGD); On Beta Stability Line and Binding Energy; Bianchi Type VIII Universe with Massless Scalar Field; Newman-Penrose Equations & Weyl-Lanczos Relations; Spin Coefficients Formalism; Bianchi Type-III Bulk Viscous String Model; Cosmological Models with Perfect Fluid & Dark Energy; A Summation due to Ramanujan and Its Generalization; On the Legendre Polynomials; Possible Navier-Stokes Cosmology on Cantor Sets; & On Some Expected Novel Results from the LHC.

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Vol 6, No 7 (2015): Cosmological Models, Einstein’s Gravity & High Tc Superconductivity

Quantitative Model of High Tc Superconductivity; Bianchi Type V Model with Flat Potential & Constant Deceleration; Bianchi Type-III Model with Vacuum Energy Density; Kantowski-Sachs Model with Time-dependent Term in Lyra Geometry; Five-Dimensional FRW Models in Brans-Dicke Theory; Exact Solution of Riccati Form of Navier-Stokes Equations; Physical Interpretation of Algebraic Extensions of Rationals; & Bending of Starlight: Does the Factor 2 Vindicate Einstein?

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Vol 6, No 6 (2015): Accelerated Frame, Causal Relationships & Geometry in Gravitation

Rindler Frames with dg/dt >0, Unruh Radiation and RG Flow; SM & GR on a Network of Causal Relationships; Geometry and Physic in Gravitation Theory; The Relation between U-matrix and M-matrices; Maxwell, Lanczos & Weyl Spinors; Kantowski-Sachs Bulk Viscous String Models in f(R, T) Gravity; FRW Closed Bulk Viscous Model in Scalar Tensor Gravitation; Bulk Viscous String Cosmological Models in Lyra Geometry; Einstein Spaces of Class One; & Lanczos Polynomials.

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Vol 6, No 5 (2015): Progress in TGD: Kähler Geometry, Hierarchies & Twistor Story

Updated View about Kähler Geometry of WCW; Hierarchies of Conformal Symmetry Breakings; Preferred p-Adic Primes & p-Adic Length Scale Hypothesis; Variation of Newton's Constant and of Length of Day; TGD Variant of Twistor Story (Part I-IV); Physical Vacuum as a Distorting Mirror.

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Vol 6, No 4 (2015): Various Gravitational Models & Progress in Mathematical Physics

On Principal Invariants in Canonical Coordinate System; Wave Equation & Lanczos Potential; Bianchi Type-I Radiating Model in Lyra Geometry; Strange Quark Matter Attached to the String Cloud; Kaluza-Klein Minimally Interacting Holographic Dark Energy Model; LRS Bianchi Type-I Dark Energy Models Based on Scalar Field; Inextensible Flows of Space-like Curves in Light-like Cone; On the Noether’s Theorem; Two Results for the Terminating 3F2 (2); Null Mannheim Curves in Minkowski Space-time; Sachs-Wolfe Acoustic Theorem & Fractal Laplace-Beltrami Operator; & The Mystery of Magnetars.

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Vol 6, No 3 (2015): Gravity, Field Equations & Cosmological Models

Matrix Approach to Petrov Classification; The Motion of the Test Body in the Gravitation Field; Scale Independent Unified Quark Physics; Magnetized Bianchi Type-III Cosmological Model; Two-Fluid Models in Hypersurface-Homogeneous Spacetime; Dark Energy Cosmological Model in f(R,T) Theory of Gravity; Five-dimensional Bulk Viscous Cosmological Model; Gauge Identities & Genuine Constraints; & Ratio of Nuclear Binding Energy & Protons Kinetic Energy.

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Vol 6, No 2 (2015): Faraday Tensor & Maxwell Spinor, Electron Gauge Field, & Nuclear Binding Energy

Faraday Tensor & Maxwell Spinor (Part I & II); Gauge Field of the Self-interacting Quantum Electron; On Up & Down Quarks in Understanding Nuclear Binding Energy (Part I & II); & Time-Dependent Λ in C-Field Theory with ..Barotropic Perfect Fluid.

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Vol 6, No 1 (2015): Quantum Cosmology, Minimal Fractal Manifold & TGD Related Development

Open World of Quantum Cosmology; Connection between Fractal Manifold & Quantum Spin Fractal Manifold & Non-Commutative Field Theory; Classical Part of the Twistor Story; Criticality & Dark Matter; On a Nuclear Binding Energy Formula; on Pioneer & Flyby Anomalies; & On Cosmic Redshift & Strengthening Hydrogen Atom.

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Vol 5, No 14 (2014): Catuskoti, Kepler Problem & Black Hole Temperature

The Catuskoti: the Union of True and False; Solution of the Kepler Problem in Lorentz-invariant Gravitation Theory; & On the Temperature of Black Hole".

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Vol 5, No 13 (2014): Unified Numbers & Various Cosmological Models

Two Background Unified Numbers & Their Possible Role; Barotropic Cosmological Models with Varying Gravitational Constant; Bianchi Type-III Radiating Cosmological Model in Lyra Geometry; LRS Bianchi Type II Tilted Stiff Fluid Model with Heat Conduction; Higher Dimensional Perfect Fluid Cosmological Models in f(R, T) Gravity; The LRS Bianchi Type-I Strings with Strange Quark Matter; & An Exact Solution of a Coupled ODE for Wireless Energy Transmission.

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Vol 5, No 12 (2014): Prespacetime-Premomentumenergy Model: Quantum Theory for a Dual Universe Comprised of Spacetime & Momentumenergy Space

Prespacetime-Premomentumenergy Model I: Quantum Theory for a Dual Universe Comprised of Spacetime & Momentumenergy Space; Prespacetime-Premomentumenergy Model II: Genesis of Self-Referential Matrix Law & Mathematics of Ether; & Modeling Methods Based on Prespacetime-Premomentumenergy Model.

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Vol 5, No 11 (2014): Premomentumenergy Model: Generation of Relativistic Quantum Mechanics for a Dual Momentum-Energy Universe

Premomentumenergy Model I: Generation of Relativistic Quantum Mechanics for a Dual Momentum-Energy Universe; Premomentumenergy Model II: Genesis of Self-Referential Matrix Law & Mathematics of Ether; & Modeling Methods Based on Premomentumenergy Model.

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Vol 5, No 10 (2014): On Electroweak Scale, Anomalous Neutron Behavior & Plausibility of Some New Ideas

Electroweak Theory on Minimal Fractal Manifolds; The Seesaw Mechanism and the Structure of Spacetime; Semi-Analytical Methods for 9th-Order Korteweg-de Vries Equation; Anomalous Neutron Behaviour; Bianchi Type-III Cosmological Model with Bulk Viscosity; Anisotropic Charged Star in Krori-Barua Space Time; Kantowski-Sachs Dark Energy Model in Scalar Tensor Theory; On the Plausibility of an Upper Bound Uncertainty Principle; & On the Plausibility of Final Unification with Avogadro Number.

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Vol 5, No 9 (2014): Fractal Spacetime, Lorentz-Invariant Gravity & Cosmological Models

Fractal Space-Time & the Dynamic Generation of Mass Scales; Generalized Tanh Method Extended with the Riccati Equation; Gravitational Problems of Lorentz-Invariant Gravitation Theory; C-Field Barotropic Fluid Cosmological Models; Two Fluids Viscous Dark Energy Cosmological Models; Bianchi Type-I Cosmological Model with Varying G & Ʌ Term; Charge Quantization from Fractal Distributions; Scale Independent Evolving Quantum Black Hole Cosmology; & Planck Results Cast Doubts on BICEP2 Claim.

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Vol 5, No 8 (2014): Fractal Propagators, Quantum Reality, Cosmological Models & Gravitation

Fractal Propagators & the Asymptotic Sectors of QFT; Physical Reality as a Creation of Consciousness (Part III); Math. Apparatus of Lorentz-Invariant Gravitation Theory; Bianchi Type-III with Negative Constant Deceleration in f(R, T); Bulk Viscous Models Coupled with a Scalar Field; Bulk Viscous Bianchi Universes Coupled with Zero-Mass Scalar Field; Bianchi Type I Models with Viscous Fluid & Decaying Vacuum Energy; Schwarzschild Radii of "Molar Proton & Electron Masses"; Galaxy Rotation Curves & Galactic Radial Distances in BH Cosmology; & Universe with Boundary & without Singularity.

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Vol 5, No 7 (2014): Nature of Space, E8-Geometry, Role of Consciousness & Modified GR

On the Chirality of Spiral Galaxies in Clusters; Multifractal Theory and Physics of the Standard Model; E8-Geometry Based Quasicrystal Mathematics; Physical Reality as a Creation of Consciousness (Part II); The Source of Consciousness as an Empty Space of Potentiality; On Cosmic Redshift, Temperature, Large Numbers; Plane Gravitational Waves in Generalized Peres Space-Time LRS Bianchi Type-I Models with Perfect Fluid & Dark Energy; String Cosmological Models in Cylindrically Symmetric Universe; & New Models of Microscopic Vacuum & Particles.

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Vol 5, No 6 (2014): Nature of Reality: Observer, Consciousness & Fundamental Physics

Physical Reality as a Creation of Consciousness; The Physicist's Dilemma: Ultimate Nature of Reality; The Axiomatics of Lorentz-Invariant Gravitation Theory; Mesostratum: A Signal Transmission Modality; Theory and Model on Atmospheric Windows; Dark Energy Model in Bianchi Type-V String Spacetime; Bianchi type-V String Cosmological Model with Domain Walls; Plane Wave Solutions of Moffat & Boal’s Non-Symmetric UFT; & A New Class of Bulk Viscous Cosmological Models.

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Vol 5, No 5 (2014): Some Aspects of Gravity, Cosmology & Wave Function

Origin of Gravitation Mass in Lorentz-invariant Gravitation Theory; GravitoElectroMagneticProca-type Equations in Fractional Space; 5-Dimensional Anisotropic Bianchi Type-I Model in String Cosmology; Tilted Plane Symmetric Magnetized Cosmological Models; Review of Schrödinger Equation & Classical Wave Equation; On the Hall Effect and Graphene; & On Expansion Energy, Dark Energy & Missing Mass.

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Vol 5, No 4 (2014): Progress in Topological Geometrodynamics (TGD)

This is a Focus Issue featuring Matti Pitkanen's latest work: Interpretation of BICEP2 Results in TGD-based Cosmology; Negentropic Entanglement & Topological Quantum Computation; General Ideas about Octonions, Quaternions and Twistors; & Recent View about Kahler Geometry and Spinor Structure of WCW.

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Vol 5, No 3 (2014): BICEP2 Results: Potential Breakthrough in Cosmology

How Certain Are the BICEP2 Findings? BICEP2 Results: “[F]irst direct evidence of cosmic inflation”; Magnetized Kerr-de Sitter Geometry; Varying Λ(t) in Creation Field Theory of Gravitation; Cosmological Model with Domain Walls; On Gravitational Constant at the Low Energy Scale; Who Might Get the Nobel Prize for Cosmic Inflation? & Will the 100 TeV Hadron Collider Get Built?

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Vol 5, No 2 (2014): Various Issues in Cosmology

Constant EoS Parameter in Barber’s Second Self-Creation Theory; Anisotropic Bianchi Type-I Mesonic Cosmological Model; Parallel Curves of General Helices in the Sol Space Sol3; Commutator Curves & Exponential Maps; Comment on Hawking and Black Holes; Basic Forces & Interactions Based on Dialectical Logic; On the Origin of Nuclear Charge Radius & Planck’s Constant; & On the Role of Hubble Volume in Black Hole Cosmology.

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