

Cover Page

Vol 3, No 2 (2012): Higgs 2012, Quaternion Mass, Conformally Compactified M4 & Classical-Quantum Consideration

Higgs Combination Plot Update & Some Technical Points about Combining Sigmas, The Quaternionic Particle Mass, Conformally Compactified Minkowski Space, Considerations: Classical and Quantum, Three (3) Papers on Various GR Solutions, Superluminal Particle Sequences & LHC Update: CMS Search for Exotics, Chamonix, Stop Rumours!

Editor: Huping Hu, Ph.D., J.D.; Editor-at-Large: Philip E. Gibbs, Ph.D.

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Vol 3, No 1 (2012): Topics on QM, Special Relativity, GR Solutions & Time Fractional Formalism

Reflections on a Brief Encounter with an Onto-Epic Quantum Physicist, Observer Is Absolute Reference Frame inside Fundamental Vacuum, New Understanding of Time Measurement, Special Theory of Relativity without Imaginary X4 = ict Coordinate, Four (4) Papers on Various GR Solutions, Time Fractional Formalism & Seminar Watch 2012.

Editor: Huping Hu, Ph.D., J.D.; Editor-at-Large: Philip E. Gibbs, Ph.D.

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Vol 2, No 13 (2011): Hints of Higgs Boson at 125 GeV Are Found: Congratulations to All the People at LHC!

Refined Higgs Rumours, Higgs Boson Live Blog: Analysis of the CERN Announcement, Has CERN Found the God Particle? A Calculation, Electron Spin Precession for the Time Fractional Pauli Equation, Plane Wave Solutions of Weakened Field Equations in a Plane Symmetric Space-time-II, Plane Wave Solutions of Field Equations of Israel and Trollope's Unified Field Theory in V5, If the LHC Particle Is Real, What Is One of the Other Possibilities than the Higgs Boson? What is Reality in a Holographic World? Searching for Earth’s Twin.

Editor: Huping HU, Ph.D., J.D.; Editor-at-Large: Philip E. Gibbs, Ph.D.

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Vol 2, No 12 (2011): Higgs at 125 GeV? OPERA Anomaly, Nonlinear Theory & GR Solutions

OPERA Fail to Find Error in Faster Than Light Measurement, BSM CPV in LHCb at HCP11 and New Higgs Combinations Released, Seminar Watch (Higgs Special), Rumoured Higgs at 125 GeV and What Would a Higgs at 125 GeV Tell Us? Expected LHC Higgs Significance at 5/fb+5/fb and Where Does Higgs Fit Best? Higgsless Symmetry Breaking from Renormalization Group Theory, Nonlinear Theory: On Calculation of Elementary Particles’ Masses, The Non-linear Theory as String Theory of Compton Wavelength Scale, Four Articles on General Relativity Solutions, An Alternative to the Quantum Leap Paradigm, LHC Luminosity Predictions for 2012.

Editor: Huping HU, Ph.D., J.D.; Editor-at-Large: Philip E. Gibbs, Ph.D.

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Vol 2, No 11 (2011): The Superluminal Puzzle of Neutrino & Other Issues of Modern Physics

Neutrinos, Press Embargos & Let's Talk about FTL, What Is the Future for Particle Accelerators? HCP 2011: Will It Deliver? The Nature of the Gravitational Field, The Schrodinger Presentation of Certain Oscillatory Classical System, Nonlinear Theory: On Photon and Electron Structure, Hidden Dimensions Can Explain ‘Superluminal’ Neutrinos, The Errors of Statistical Hypotheses and Scientific Theories, Six Articles on General Relativity Solutions, 2011 Nobel Prizes in Sciences, LHC Updates, ESA’s EUCLID to Explore Dark Energy, 10 Reasons to Buy into Big Science.

Editor: Huping HU, Ph.D., J.D.; Editor-at-Large: Philip E. Gibbs, Ph.D.

Purchase PDF Edition or Print Edition (ISBN: 1467952133)

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Vol 2, No 10 (2011): Topological Geometrodynamics from Particle Physics Perspective

Focus Issue on Matti Pitkänen’s Work

Edited by: Dainis Zeps, Ph.D., Editor-at-Large

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Vol 2, No 9 (2011): The End of an Era: Tevatron Is Shutting Down, & Can Neutrinos Be Superluminal?

Shutdown Approaches for the Tevatron, Higgs Days at Santander, Can Neutrinos Be Superluminal? LHC Prospects for 2012, Five Articles on GR Solutions, Are Neutrinos Superluminal? Neutrino & Brachistochrone Effect, The Virtual Reality Conjecture (Won 4th FQXi Prize), Absolute Presence,The Brilliance & Poverty of Standard Model, & LHC Update: Last Proton Run plus Seminar Watch.

Editor: Huping HU, Ph.D., J.D.; Editor-at-Large: Philip E. Gibbs, Ph.D.

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Vol 2, No 8 (2011): The Lingering Hope for Higgs Boson

Higgs Hunting 2011, New Higgs Combos from ATLAS and CMS, Higgs excluded from 130 GeV to 480 GeV, The (t/z)-Type Plane Gravitational Waves…, Better Higgs Combo, New Unofficial Higgs Combo & Higgs Signal Plots, Did the Higgs Signal Fade? & the Best Higgs Plots Revealed, Accelerating and Decelerating Bianchi Type VI0 Cosmological Models…, Nonlinear Theory of Elementary Particles Part XIII…, Fractional Modified Special Relativity, Thick Domain Walls & Bulk Viscous Domain Walls in GR, Deconstructing Reality: Is Reality Really Real? & LHC Update: New Luminosity Milestone, Help CERN Search for the Higgs Boson & a Typical LHC Plot.

Editor: Huping Hu, Ph.D., J.D.; Editor-at-Large: Philip E. Gibbs, Ph.D.

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Vol 2, No 7 (2011): Great Success of LHC & Tevatron & a Brave New World of Particle Physics

Exciting New Era of Particle Physics, the Dawn of a Brave New World in Particle Physics, Physics in a Higgsless World, the Aftermath of Europhysics 2011, Eleven Special Reports on LCH & Tevatron Results, Higgs Combos, Global Fit, the Dead, the Alive & the New, The Unified Reality Theory II, Nonlinear Theory of Elementary Particles Part XII, Is the Master Formula for the U-matrix Finally Found? Paradigm Shift in Science, Is there a Scaled up Variant of Hadron Physics at 0.5 TeV Energy Scale? and LHC Update: Technical Stop, 10 Year Plan, Back to Normal & New Luminosity Milestone.

Editor: Huping Hu, Ph.D., J.D.; Editor-at-Large: Philip E. Gibbs, Ph.D.

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Vol 2, No 6 (2011): Discrete vs. Continuous, GR Solutions, Mathematical Emptiness & New Particle?

On The Z= (t/z)-Type Solutions of Plane Gravitational Waves, Discrete Time and Kleinian Structures, In Defense of Octonions, An Inhomogeneous Cosmological Model, On the Structure and Theory of Hadrons, Scales Solve the Continuous vs. Discrete Paradox, The Illusion-like Effectiveness of Mathematical Mind, Infinite Resolution, Continuing LHC Success, New Particle? But D0 Sees No Bump, and FQXi Essay Contest Results & New Milestone.

Editor: Huping Hu PhD, JD; Editor-at-Large: Philip E. Gibbs

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Vol 2, No 5 (2011): New Perspective & LHC Watching

Motion in Z = (t/z)-Type GR Waves, Unified Reality Theory, Theory of Massive Neutrino, Bianchi Type III Dark Energy Models, Commentary, Response to Commentary & Editor's Statement on Entropy Formula, and LHC-Tevatron Updates: 24 Hours of the LHC vs. 24 Years of the Tevatron & New Luminosity Record for LHC

Editor: Huping Hu, Ph.D., J.D.; Editor-at-Large: Philip E. Gibbs, Ph.D.

Purchase PDF Edition or Print Edition (ISBN: 1463551746)

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Vol 2, No 4 (2011): New Perspectives on Reality

The Theory of Informatons, Higgs-Free Symmetry Breaking, FRW Cosmological Models, The Experiential Basis of Wave-Particle Duality, Nonlinear Theory of Elementary Particles, Microscopes and Telescopes for Theoretical Physics, Quanta Mathematica Instrumentalis!, Commentary on Quanta…, & LHC Takes Hadron Collider Luminosity Record

Editor: Huping Hu, Ph.D., J.D.; Editors-at-Large: Philip E. Gibbs, Ph.D. & Dainis Zeps, Ph.D.

Purchase PDF Edition or Print Edition (ISBN: 1461163900)

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Vol 2, No 3 (2011): Bianchi Type-III, Problems in Particle Physics & LCH Runs in 2011

Bianchi Type-III Cosmological Model, Natural Solution for the Hierarchy Problem, Koide’s Formula follows from Nonlinear Dynamics, Dynamics of Neutrino Oscillations, Bianchi Type-III Cosmic Strings, Nonlinear Theory of Elementary Particles, Solution of the “Light Clocks Paradox”, LHC Continues Its 2011 Run of Success, & FQXi Essay Contest Update

Editor: Huping Hu, Ph.D., J.D.; Editor-at-Large: Philip E. Gibbs, Ph.D.

Purchase PDF Edition or Print Edition (ISBN: 1461056004)

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Vol 2, No 2 (2011): Glimpses beyond the Two Millennia Old Bondage of the Archimedean Axiom

Focus Issue Featuring Elemér E. Rosinger’s Work with Editorial, Commentary & LHC Update
Edited by: Dainis Zeps, Ph.D., Editor-at-Large, & Matti Pitkänen, Ph.D., Guest Editor

Purchase PDF Edition or Print Edition (ISBN: 146094724X)

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Vol 2, No 1 (2011): The Rise of Collaborative Spirit in Science & the Fall of the "Iron Curtain”

The Rise of Collaborative Spirit, Black Hole Complementarity, Exact Solutions in G.R., Is Einstein Still Misunderstood? Source-free EM's Canonical Fields, Generalization of Thermodynamics, Geometry and Natural Sciences, Trinity, LHC Update

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Vol 1, No 10 (2010): More Possible Games in Town Continued

Electromagnetism, Genesis of Self-referential Matrix Law, Math & Ontology of Ether, Nonlinear Theory of Particles, Shnoll Effect, Double-Slit Experiment,  LHC Plans for 2011& Beyond, & Forum on Entropic Gravity

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Vol 1, No 9 (2010): Focus Issue on Cosmology & Gravity (Part II)

Arrow of Time, Solution of Field Equation, Time Varying Sun-Earth Distance, Bosonic-Phononic
Inflaton, Dark Atoms, Mass Deficiency, Spin and Scales, Cosmology Essay, Mercury’s Precession,
3rd FQXi Essay Contest & LHC Update

Guest Editors: Jonathan J. Dickau & Philip E. Gibbs

Purchase PDF Edition or Print Edition (ISBN: 1460949552)

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Vol 1, No 8 (2010): More Possible Games in Town

Timeless Quantum Space, Hyperdeterminant, Nonlinear Theory, DM-DE Mirage, Correspondence
Principle, Entropy & Non-locality, Hawking’s Godless TOE, & LHC Heavy Ion Collisions

Editor: Huping Hu, Ph.D., J.D.

Guest-Editor: Matti Pitkänen, Ph.D.

Purchase PDF Edition or Print Edition (ISBN: 1460945883)

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Vol 1, No 7 (2010): Focus Issue on Cosmology & Gravity (Part I)

Gravito-Electromagnetism, “Quantum Bounce,” "Missing Mass" Explained, the Nature
of Dimensions, Orthodox Quantization of Gravity, the Quantum Potential of Spacetime,
Rotating Universe, 2010 Nobel Prizes, &  LHC Update

Guest Editors: Jonathan J. Dickau & Philip E. Gibbs

Purchase PDF Edition or Print Edition (ISBN: 1460944461)

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Vol 1, No 6 (2010): Various Aspects of Modern Physics

Energy-momentum in GR, Causality in QFT, Time Paradox, Logic & Probability, Mass Origin,

Nonlocality, Information Transfer, Event-Symmetric Spacetime, E.M. & Gravity

Purchase PDF Edition or Print Edition (ISBN: 1460944208)

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Vol 1, No 5 (2010): News on LHC, ICHEP 2010 & FFP11 (Great Anticipations for New Physics)

Magic Matrix, Photon Theory, Block Universe, QM Critical Survey,“Crackpots” & Forum on “Crisis” in Physics & Truth in Science.

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Vol 1, No 4 (2010): The Miracle of Existence according to Theoretical Physicist Matti Pitkänen: 30 years of independent research

Topological geometrodynamics (TGD) in its latest development presented in series of articles by Matti Pitkänen

Guest Editors:

Philip E. Gibbs, Ph.D., Independent Researcher, United Kingdom
Arkadiusz Jadczyk, Professor (guest), Center CAIROS, IMT, Univ. Paul Sabatier, France
Dainis Zeps, Senior Researcher, Inst. of Math. & Computer Sci., Univ. of Latvia, Latvia

Purchase PDF Edition or Print Edition (ISBN: 1460943600)

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Vol 1, No 3 (2010): Other Possible Games in Town

Learning to Cooperate for Progress in Physics

Purchase PDF Edition or Print Edition (ISBN: 1460938909)

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