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Alyamaç Külahcı, Mihriban, Firat University (Turkey)
Alzain, Mohammed (Sudan)
Amoroso, Richard L., Noetic Advanced Studies Institute (United States)
Ananda Rao, G., Dept. of Maths, ANITS, Visakhapatnam, India
Ananda Rao, G.
Anitha, S., Andhra University (India)
Anitha, S., Dept. of Engg.Mathematics of Engg(A), Visakhapatnam, India
Ansari, M., Department of Mathematics, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong-793022, Meghalaya, India. (India)
Ansari, M., North-Eastern Hill University (India)
Arawal, P. K., School Of Mathematical Sciences, Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University Nanded. (India)
Asgar, A., Research Scholar, Department of Mathematics, North-Eastern Hill University, shillong. (India)
Asgar, A., North-Eastern Hill University (India)
Asil, Vedat (Turkey)
Asili, Vedat (Turkey)
Avachar, G. R. (India)
Avachar, G. R. (India)
Avcı, Gamze, TRAKYA UNIVERSITY (Turkey)
Aydemir, Ismail, Ondokuz Mayıs University (Turkey)
Aydemir, Ismail (Turkey)
Aydemir, İsmail (Turkey)
Azhikodan, Layana
Azmi, Shad, Aligarh Muslim University (India)


Álvarez-Ballesteros, R. (Mexico)
Álvarez-Ballesteros, S. (India)
Álvarez-Ballesteros, S. (Mexico)

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