Vol 8, No 7 (2017)

Redshift, Planck Action & Spacetime Change with Cosmic Age

Cover Page
Bianchi Type VIII Model with Quadratic Equation; Ghost Pilgrim Dark Energy with Sign-Changeable Interaction; Conharmonically Flat Space with Deceleration Parameter; Bianchi Type-V Model in the f(R,T) Theory; Bianchi Type-VI0 Model for Stiff Perfect Fluid; Bianchi Type-VI0 Model with Barotropic Perfect Fluid; Transversal Intersection Curve of the Special Surfaces; Bisector Surface in Minkowski Space; Inextensible Flows of a Ruled Surface; Simplified Form of the Semi-empirical Mass Formula; & Redshift, Planck Action & Spacetime Change with Cosmic Age.

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