Is Non-associative Physics & Language Possible only in Many-sheeted Spacetime?
Language is an essentially non-associative structure as the necessity to parse linguistic expressions essential also for computation using the hierarchy of brackets makes obvious. Hilbert space operators are associative so that non-associative quantum physics does not seem plausible without an extension of what one means with physics. Associativity of the classical physics at the level of single space-time sheet in the sense that tangent or normal spaces of space-time sheets are associative as sub-spaces of the octonionic tangent space of 8-D imbedding space M4 x CP2 is one of the key conjectures of TGD. But what is the situation in many-sheeted space-time? The sheets of the many-sheeted space-time form hierarchies labelled by p-adic primes and values of Planck constants heff=n x h. Could these hierarchies provide space-time correlates for the parsing hierarchies of language and music, which in TGD framework can be seen as kind of dual for the spoken language? For instance, could the braided flux tubes inside larger braided flux tubes inside... realize the parsing hierarchies of language, in particular topological quantum computer programs? And could the great differences between organisms at very different levels of evolution but having very similar genomes be understood in terms of widely different numbers of levels in the parsing hierarchy of braided flux tubes- that is in terms of magnetic bodies as indeed proposed. If the intronic portions of DNA connected by magnetic flux tubes to the lipids of lipid layers of nuclear and cellular membranes make them topological quantum computers, the parsing hierarchy could be realized at the level of braided magnetic bodies of DNA. The mathematics needed to describe the breaking of associativity at fundamental level seems to exist. The hierarchy of braid group algebras forming an operad combined with the notions of quasi-bialgebra and quasi-Hopf algebra discovered by Drinfeld are highly suggestive concerning the realization of weak breaking of associativity.