Does Color Deconfinement Really Occur?
The origin of hadron masses is poorly understood in QCD for the simple reason that perturbative QCD does not exist at low energies. The belief is that the couplings of pions to nucleons generate the mass and sigma model provides a Higgs model type description for this. The phase transition from color confinement to quark-gluon plasma is expected to involve the restoration of chiral symmetry for quarks. In the ideal situation the outcome should be a black body spectrum with no correlations between radiated particles. In the sigma model description nucleons and pions becomes massless in good approximation. Quark gluon plasma suggests that they disappear completely from the spectrum. The situation is however not this. Some kind of transition occurs and produces a phase, which has much lower viscosity than expected for quark-gluon plasma. Transition occurs also in much smoother manner than expected. And there are strong correlations between opposite charged particles – charge separation occurs. The simplest characterization for these events would be in terms of decaying strings emitting particles of opposite charge from their ends. Conventional models do not predict anything like this. TGD approach strongly suggests the existence scaled up variants of ordinary hadron physics: actually two of them assignable to Mersenne prime M89 and Gaussian Mersenne MG,79respectively should make them visible at LHC and there are indications about the predicted anomalies. This picture allows one to consider the possibility that instead of de-confinement a quantum phase transition from the ordinary M107 hadron physics to a dark variant of M89 hadron physics would occur.