Modeling Methods Based on Premomentumenergy Model
Some modeling methods based on premomentumenergy model are stated. The methods relate to presenting and modeling generation, sustenance and evolution of elementary particles through self-referential hierarchical spin structures of premomentumenergy. In particular, stated are methods for generating, sustaining and causing evolution of fermions, bosons and spinless particles in a dual universe (quantum frame) comprised of an external momentumenergy space and an internal momentumenergy space. Further, methods for modeling weak interaction, strong interaction, electromagnetic interaction, gravitational interaction, quantum entanglement and brain function in said dual universe are also stated.
Some additional modeling methods based on premomentumenergy model are also stated. The additional methods relate to presenting and modeling time, position & intrinsic-proper-time relation, self-referential matrix rules, elementary particles and composite particles through self-referential hierarchical spin in premomentumenergy. In particular, methods for generating time, position & intrinsic-proper-time relation, self-referential matrix rules, elementary particles and composite particles in aforesaid dual universe are stated.