Schwarzschild Radii of "Molar Proton & Electron Masses" and Their Role in Final Unification
Molar electron mass can be considered as a single massive unit. Similarly, molar proton mass can be considered as a single massive unit. By considering the Schwarzschild radii of mole number of ‘molar electron masses’, mole number of ‘molar proton masses’ and the weak mixing angle, characteristic experimental nuclear radii can be fitted. Further, reduced Planck’s constant, fine structure ratio, muon, tau rest masses, proton-electron mass ratio, strong coupling constant, etc can be fitted. Considering ‘two’ molar electron masses, ‘three’ molar electron masses etc, discrete Bohr radii & discreteness of ħ can be understood. Finally, an attempt is made to fit the gravitational constant with the elementary charge and proton& electron rest masses.Obtained magnitude of the gravitational constant is 6.67268199x10-11m3kg-1sec-2.