On Cosmic Redshift, Temperature, Large Numbers & Absolute Rate of Expansion
If during cosmic evolution, photon energy emitted from hydrogen atom was always inversely proportional to the cosmic temperature, past light emitted from older galaxy’s excited hydrogen atom will show redshift with reference to the current laboratory data. Thus, the observed cosmic redshift may be reinterpreted as an index of ‘cosmological’ thermodynamic light emission mechanism. There would be no need for change in energy of the emitted photon during its journey from the distant galaxy to the observer. With this proposal, the absolute rate of cosmic expansion may be measured by observing the rate of increase in the magnitude of photon energy emitted from laboratory hydrogen atom. By considering the ‘Planck mass’ as the characteristic mass scale of the evolving universe, a semi-empirical attempt is made to interrelate the cosmic Hubble constant, temperature and redshift. For a CMB of 3000K, a redshift of 1100 is obtained. The rate of decrease in current ‘Hubble’s constant’ may be considered as a true measure of current cosmic ‘rate of expansion’. If rate of decrease in current ‘Hubble’s constant is very small and is beyond the scope of current experimental verification, two possible explanations exist: a) current ‘Hubble’s constant is decreasing at a very slow rate and current universe is expanding at a very slow rate;or b) at present there is no ‘observable’ cosmic expansion or acceleration. In this paper, we propose five new methods for estimating the accurate value of H0 for further study and analysis.