Exact Kantowski-Sach Cosmological Models with Constant EoS Parameter in Barber’s Second Self-Creation Theory
We have constructed spatially homogeneous and anisotropic Exact Kantowski-Sach dark energy cosmological models with constant equation of state (EoS) Parameter in Baber¢s second self-creation theory of gravitation. The observed values of dark energy EoS parameter ω and deviation parameter δ are not necessarily the function of cosmic time but their determinate values for derived models are in good agreement with recent observations of SNe Ia data. In order to obtain the exact solution of the Einstein’s field equation we have considered the spatial law of variation of Hubble¢s parameter which yields a negative constant deceleration parameter and in view of the anisotropy space time, the scalar expansion q in the model is proportional to shear s which leads to A = Rn. Some physical and geometrical behaviours of the cosmological models are also studied.