Preferred Extremals of Kahler Action & Solutions of the Modified Dirac Equation?
During years several approaches to what preferred extremals of Kahler action and solutions of the modified Dirac equation could be have been proposed and the challenge is to see whether at least some of these approaches are consistent with each other. It is good to list various approaches first. For preferred extremals generalization of conformal invariance to 4-D situation is very attractive approach and leads to concrete conditions formally similar to those encountered in string model. The approach based on basic heuristics for massless equations, on effective 3-dimensionality, and weak form of electric magnetic duality is also promising. An alternative approach is inspired by number theoretical considerations and identifies space-time surfaces as associative or co-associative sub-manifolds of octonionic imbedding space. There are also several approaches for solving the modified Dirac equation. The most promising approach is assumes that the solutions are restricted on 2-D stringy world sheets and/or partonic 2-surfaces. This strange looking view is a rather natural consequence of number theoretic vision. The conditions stating that electric charge is conserved for preferred extremals is an alternative very promising approach.
The question whether these various approaches are mutually consistent is discussed. It indeed turns out that the approach based on the conservation of electric charge leads under rather general assumptions to the proposal that solutions of the modified Dirac equation are localized on 2-dimensional string world sheets and/or partonic 2-surfaces. Einstein's equations are satisfied for the preferred extremals and this implies that the earlier proposal for the realization of Equivalence Principle is not needed. This leads to a considerable progress in the understanding of super Virasoro representations for super-symplectic and super-Kac-Moody algebra. In particular, the proposal is that super-Kac-Moody currents assignable to string world sheets define duals of gauge potentials and their generalization for gravitons: in the approximation that gauge group is Abelian - motivated by the notion of finite measurement resolution - the exponents for the sum of KM charges would define non-integrable phase factors. One can also identify Yangian as the algebra generated by these charges. The approach allows also to understand the special role of the right handed neutrino in SUSY according to TGD.