Is It Really Higgs?
The discovery of a new spinless particle at LHC has dominated the discussions in physics blogs during last weeks. Quite many bloggers identify without hesitation the new particle as the long sought for Higgs although some aspects of data do not encourage the interpretation as standard model Higgs or possibly its SUSY variant. Maybe the reason is that it is rather imagine any other interpretation. In this article the TGD based interpretation as a pion-like state of scaled up variant of hadron physics is discussed explaining also why Higgs is not needed and why it cannot even perform the tasks posed for it in TGD framework. Essentially one assumption, the separate conservation of quark and lepton numbers realized in terms of 8-D chiral invariance, excludes Higgs like states as also standard N 1 SUSY. This identification could explain the failure to find the decays to $\tau$ pairs and also the excess of two-gamma decays. The decays gauge boson pairs would be caused by the coupling of pion-like state to instanton density for electro-weak gauge fields. Also a connection with the dark matter researches reporting signal at 130 GeV and possibly also at 110 GeV suggests itself: maybe also these signals also correspond to pion-like states.