New Particle Physics Predicted by TGD: Part I
TGD predicts a lot of new physics and it is quite possible that this new physics becomes visible at LHC. Although the calculational formalism is still lacking, p-adic length scale hypothesis allows to make precise quantitative predictions for particle masses by using simple scaling arguments. The basic elements of quantum TGD responsible for new physics are following.
The new view about particles relies on their identification as partonic 2-surfaces (plus 4-D tangent space data to be precise). This effective metric 2-dimensionality implies generalizaton of the notion of Feynman diagram and holography in strong sense. One implication is the notion of field identity or field body making sense also for elementary particles and the Lamb shift anomaly of muonic hydrogen could be explained in terms of field bodies of quarks. The topological explanation for family replication phenomenon implies genus generation correspondence and predicts in principle infinite number of fermion families. One can however develop a rather general argument based on the notion of conformal symmetry known as hyper-ellipticity stating that only the genera $g=0,1,2$ are light. What "light" means is however an open question. If light means something below $CP_2$ mass there is no hope of observing new fermion families at LHC. If it means weak mass scale, situation changes.
For bosons the implications of family replication phenomenon can be understood from the fact that they can be regarded as pairs of fermion and antifermion assignable to the opposite wormhole throats of wormhole throat. This means that bosons formally belong to octet and singlet representations of dynamical SU(3) for which 3 fermion families define 3-D representation. Singlet would correspond to ordinary gauge bosons. Also interacting fermions suffer topological condensation and correspond to wormhole contact. One can either assume that the resulting wormhole throat has the topology of sphere or that the genus is same for both throats.
The view about space-time supersymmetry differs from the standard view in many respects. First of all, the super symmetries are not associated with Majorana spinors. Super generators correspond to the fermionic oscillator operators assignable to leptonic and quark-like induced spinors and there is in principle infinite number of them so that formally one would have ${\cal N}=\infty$ SUSY. I have discussed the required modification of the formalism of SUSY theories and it turns out that effectively one obtains just ${\cal N}=1$ SUSY required by experimental constraints. The reason is that the fermion states with higher fermion number define only short range interactions analogous to van der Waals forces. Right handed neutrino generates this super-symmetry broken by the mixing of the $M^4$ chiralities implied by the mixing of $M^4$ and $CP_2$ gamma matrices for induced gamma matrices. The simplest assumption is that particles and their superpartners obey the same mass formula but that the p-adic length scale can be different for them.
One of the basic distinctions between TGD and standard model is the new view about color. The first implication is separate conservation of quark and lepton quantum numbers implying the stability of proton against the decay via the channels predicted by GUTs. This does not mean that proton would be absolutely stable. p-Adic and dark length scale hierarchies indeed predict the existence of scale variants of quarks and leptons and proton could decay to hadons of some zoomed up copy of hadrons physics. These decays should be slow and presumably they would involve phase transition changing the value of Planck constant characterizing proton. It might be that the simultaneous increase of Planck constant for all quarks occurs with very low rate. Also color excitations of leptons and quarks are in principle possible. Detailed calculations would be required to whether their mass scale is given by $CP_2$ mass scale. The so called leptohadron physics proposed to explain certain anomalies associated with both electron, muon, and $\tau$ lepton could be understood in terms of color octet excitations of leptons.
The new view about particle massivation involves besides p-adic thermodynamics also Higgs but there is no need to assume that Higgs vacuum expectation plays any role. The most natural option favored by the assumption that elementary bosons are bound states of massless elementary fermions, by twistorial considerations, and by the fact that both gauge bosons and Higgs form SU(2) triplet and singlet, predicts that also photon and other massless gauge bosons develop small mass so that all Higgs particles and their colored variants would disappear from spectrum. Same could happen for Higgsinos.
Fractal hierarchies of weak and hadronic physics labelled by p-adic primes and by the levels of dark matter hierarchy are highly suggestive. Ordinary hadron physics corresponds to $M_{107}=2^{107}-1$. One especially interesting candidate would be scaled up hadronic physics which would correspond to $M_{89}=2^{89}-1$ defining the p-adic prime of weak bosons. The corresponding string tension is about 512 GeV and it might be possible to see the first signatures of this physics at LHC. Nuclear string model in turn predicts that nuclei correspond to nuclear strings of nucleons connected by colored flux tubes having light quarks at their ends. The interpretation might be in terms of $M_{127}$ hadron physics. In biologically most interesting length scale range 10 nm-2.5 $\mu$m there are four Gaussian Mersennes and the conjecture is that these and other Gaussian Mersennes are associated with zoomed up variants of hadron physics relevant for living matter. Cosmic rays might also reveal copies of hadron physics corresponding to $M_{61}$ and $M_{31}$ Weak form of electric magnetic duality implies that the fermions and antifermions associated with both leptons and bosons are K\"ahler magnetic monopoles accompanied by monopoles of opposite magnetic charge and with opposite weak isospin. For quarks K\"ahler magnetic charge need not cancel and cancellation might occur only in hadronic length scale. The magnetic flux tubes behave like string like objects and if the string tension is determined by weak length scale, these string aspects should become visible at LHC. If the string tension is 512 GeV the situation becomes less promising.
In this article and the following article the predicted new physics and possible indications for it are discussed.