Better Higgs Combo, New Unofficial Higgs Combo & Higgs Signal Plots
It is traditional to present the results of searches such as Higgs hunting as Brazil plots that show us where a signal can be excluded at 95% confidence, but when the data starts to show a positive signal it is better to show signal plots like Higgs Signal Plot shown herein. This is just the observed confidence level limit minus the expected with the error bands for one and two sigma statistical variation shown around the signal level line. From about 135 GeV to 150 GeV it disfavors both a signal and no signal of a standard model Higgs. It is tempting to say that this rules out standard model physics in this region but I think it is too soon to draw such a conclusion. It may be that there is a SM Higgs boson at say 140 GeV but the resolution is not sufficiently good to get a clean signal there, or more data may see the line fluctuate down to the no signal level. It is important to remember that we are still at the stage where just a few signal events have a big effect on the curve. More detail will emerge with more data. Furthermore, the plot above is only an approximation that does not properly take into account all uncertainties and correlations.