On Long Range Electromagnetic Quantum Coherence in TGD Universe
The focus of TGD inspired quantum biology has been hitherto in long range quantum gravitational coherence characterized by quantum gravitational Planck constant introduced by Nottale. The notion of gravitational Planck constant however generalizes also to other classical fields, in particular electric fields and one can define electromagnetic Planck constant. DNA, cells, and the Earth's surface carry negative charge. In this article, the possible presence of the long range quantum coherence in these systems is considered and a model for the interaction between living matter and computers is discussed. Also the recently reported amazing findings suggesting the existence of non-biological life forms in the thermosphere of Earth are considered from the TGD point of view. The application of the condition of electric quantum coherence to linear structures such as DNA and neuronal axons yields a condition on the Compton length and thus the mass of the charged particle considered. Miraculously, the condition is satisfied for electrons.