Universal Grammar, the Mirror Universe Hypothesis & Kinesiological Thinking
A semiotics is presented based on the kinesiological movement of vision that carries three categories, coming as a projection, reflection and a middle-term that joins the two. This is presented as a mirror universe cosmology in terms of both metaphysics (ontology) and science (physics and cosmology). The key hypothesis is that the metaphysical and the physical cosmologies are the same, and Cartesian dualism can be replaced by a panpsychism that is non-dual but admits to a property dualism carried by the apparent two-sidedness that is foundational for the mirror universe cosmology. Gravity in all its forms, and the plurality of emotions, come with valences that source the middle-term and relate to both navigation and innate memories. With this theory evolution is driven by the valences that source the middle-term, and hence, the triadic structure of the mirror cosmology acts as a strange attraction and will leave like-looking artifacts on the substrate of evolution, biological development and psychology. Finding such artifacts constitutes empirical evidence in support of the theory. Very significant empirical support is presented from the fields of biology, and neuropsychology. Nevertheless, the universal grammar carried by kinesiological thinking is self-limiting and only describes a mode of inquiry.