Scales, Hierarchies and Particles: A Unifying Approach on Quantum Gravity & Quantum Vacuum Model for Physics Beyond Standard Model
In epistemological affinity with the Bohm idea of implicate and explicate orders and with the view of an emergent physics, two different levels of the fundamental background of physics, invoked by the author in several recent papers, are considered for the beyond Standard Model physics: The quantum-gravity space and the three-dimensional dynamic quantum vacuum. The link between these two levels of physical reality is analysed and a unifying mathematical formalism is developed. The interpretation of the baryonic particles of the Standard Model inside this approach is examined. Finally, suggestive perspectives are introduced as regards the issues of generation of scales and hierarchies, which show how the effective theory of the Standard Model, Higgs mechanism, as well as the TeV scale of strong interactions, are emergent processes from this fundamental background.