On the Three Findings by LIGO
During the last year, LIGO collaboration has made three important discoveries suggesting the possibility of new physics. Gravitational waves were detected from what was identified as a merging of blackholes at distance of 3 billion lightyears. What looks mysterious is the high mass of the colliding objects. Same is true also for the earlier collisions. This raises the question whether the nuclear physics inside the stars is really understood. The observation of GW170817 was a further important event, perhaps the event of the year in physics. Both gravitational waves and electromagnetic radiation from the collision of two neutron stars fusing to single object were detected. The finding eliminated a class of models claiming that dark matter and energy do not exist. The third news was that LIGO had found no support for gravitational radiation from cosmic strings predicted by GUTs and by superstring models, which typically assume GUT type theory as a long length scale limit. In this article, these findings are discussed from TGD point of view.