Do Riemann-Roch Theorem & Atyiah-Singer Index Theorem Have Applications in TGD?
Riemann-Roch theorem (RR) is a central piece of algebraic geometry. Atyiah-Singer index theorem is one of its generalizations relating the solution spectrum of partial differential equations and topological data. For instance, characteristic classes classifying bundles associated with Yang-Mills theories have applications in gauge theories and string models. The advent of octonionic approach to the dynamics of space-time surfaces inspired by M^8-H duality gives hopes that dynamics at the level of complexified octonionic M^8 could reduce to algebraic equations plus criticality conditions guaranteeing associativity for space-time surfaces representing external particles, in interaction region commutativity and associativity would be broken. The complexification of octonionic M^8 replacing norm in flat space metric with its complexification would unify various signatures for flat space metric and allow to overcome the problems due to Minkowskian signature. Wick rotation would not be a mere calculational trick. For these reasons time might be ripe for applications of possibly existing generalization of RR to TGD framework. In the following I summarize my admittedly unprofessional understanding of RR discussing the generalization of RR for complex algebraic surfaces having real dimension 4: this is obviously interesting from TGD point of view.