On the Calculation of Elementary Particle Masses
With an exponential model including the gravitational constant as a time dependent parameter a mass function is derived where elementary particle masses are combined and related. The proton mass mp is derived as a function of the electron mass me and fine structure constant α as mp=1,672621*10-27 kg (1,672622*10-27 kg, Δm/m=6*10-7), the measured mass and the relative deviation of both are in brackets. The neutron mass then is calculated as a function of mp and α as mn=1,67492745*10-27 kg (1,67492747*10-27 kg, Δm/m≈10-8). The tau mass is expressed as a function of mp and me resulting in mτ=3,16750*10-27 kg (3,16750*10-27 kg, Δm/m≈10-5). The results for the neutron and tau are within the estimated standard deviation of the experimental values.