On Some Astrophysical & Cosmological Findings from TGD Point of View
There are four rather recent findings not easy to understand in the framework of standard astrophysics and cosmology. The first finding is that the model for the absorption of dark matter by blackholes predicts must faster rate than would be consistent with observations. Second finding is that Milky Way has large void extending from 150 ly up to 8,000 light years. The third finding confirms the old finding that the value of Hubble constant is 9 per cent larger in short scales (of order of the size large voids) than in cosmological scales. The fourth finding is that astrophysical object do not co-expand but only co-move in cosmic expansion. TGD suggests an explanation for the two first observation in terms of dark matter with gravitational Planck constant hgr, which is very large so that dark matter is at some level quantum coherent even in galactic scales. Second finding can be explained using TGD based model of dark matter and energy assigning them to long cosmic strings having galaxies along them like pearls in necklace. Third finding can be understood in terms of many-sheeted space-time. The space-time sheets assignable to large void and entire cosmology have different Hubble constants and expansion rate. Fourth finding follows as a prediction of TGD: space-time sheets do not expand smoothly but in jerks in phase transition like manner.