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On CKM Mixing & CP Breaking in Leptonic Sector

Matti Pitkänen


TGD predicts that CKM mixing for quarks is induced by topological mixing of partonic 2-topologies with genus g = 0,1,2 (genus g is the number of handles attached to sphere) having always Z2 global conformal symmetry. For higher genera Z2 symmetry is present only for special values of conformal moduli and the handles would form the analog of free many-particle state, which would explain the absence of higher fermion generations as elementary particles. The model predicts CKM mixing also for leptons and the μ-τ anomaly for Higgs decays would have explanation in terms of CKM mixing. Neutrino mixing would correspond to topological mixing and the recent indications for CP breaking in neutrino mixing support the view that CP breaking for CKM matrix is quite generally induced by that for topological mixing.

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