X Boson as Evidence for Nuclear String Model
A new nuclear physics anomaly has been discovered in the decays of the excited state 8Be* of an unstable isotope of 8Be (4 protons and 4 neutrons) to ground state 8Be. The anomaly manifests itself as a bump in the distribution of e+e- pairs in the transitions 8Be* à 8Be at certain angle between electrons. The proposed interpretation is in terms of a production of spin 1 boson - christened as X - identified as a carrier of fifth force with range about 12 fm, nuclear length scale. The attribute 6.8σ tells that the probably that the finding is statistical fluctuation is about 1012: already 5σ is regarded as a criterion for discovery. TGD inspired interpretation based on nuclear string model is different. The mass of the state is within .7 accuracy pion mass scaled down to nuclear p-adic scale k =113. Scaled down pion in l = 1 state is possible and allows to scale the decay rates to gamma pair and e+e- pair from those of pion. Somewhat surprisingly, it turned out that the predicted decay width Γ (π (113), γγ) is consistent with the experimental bounds. The problem is that Γ (π (113), γγ) is at least by a factor of order 1/100 too low. A possible solution of the problem is that fπ does not scale like p-adic mass scale but decreases faster. Another possibility is provided by the hierarchy of Planck constants heff = n x h labelling dark matter phases. The mechanism for the decay as snipping of closed pionic flux loop from colored flux tube connecting nucleus is discussed.