Gravitation in a Timeless Quantum Space
The fundamental arena of the universe is a timeless space that has a granular structure at the Planck scale and clock/time provides only the numerical order of material changes inside this arena. Stellar objects and particles move into space only and not into a temporal dimension that flows on its own. Granularity of space allows speculation that space has a density which is in relation with the amount of matter in a given region. Two fundamental quantities can be introduced in order to describe gravitational interaction: density of universal cosmic mass and density of empty space. The density of universal cosmic mass increases with the increasing of the amount of matter present in a given region. Density of empty space decreases with the increasing of the amount of matter in a given region. Density of empty space provides a quantitative measure of its geometrical structure. Less dense space is more curved and very dense space is more flat. Physical objects have tendency to move into direction of higher curvature/lower density of space. Gravitational interaction mass-space-mass is immediate: presence of a mass causes change of density of empty space, change of density of empty space causes gravitational motion. A mass acts on another mass indirectly via the change of density of empty space. Gravity is an immediate physical phenomenon carried directly by the quantum space: no motion of particles or waves in space is needed to transmit gravitational interaction from one to another material object, and numerical order of gravity is zero. Finally, a timeless quantum-gravity space theory is suggested which is based on density of universal cosmic mass, density of empty space and the perspectives of this theory as regards the picture of the gravitational space are analyzed.