Is N = 2 Super-Conformal Algebra Relevant to TGD?
TGD has as its symmetries super-conformal symmetry (SCS), which is a huge extension of the ordinary SCS. For instance, the infinite-dimensional symplectic group plays the role of finite-dimension Lie-group as Kac-Moody group and the conformal weights for the generators of algebra corresponds to the zeros of fermionic zeta and their number of generators is therefore infinite. The relationship of TGD SCS to super-conformal field theories (SCFTs) known as minimal models has remained without definite answer. The most general super-conformal algebra (SCA) assignable to string world sheets by strong form of holography has N equal to the number of spin states of leptonic and quark type fundamental spinors but the space-time SUSY is badly broken for it. Covariant constancy of the generating spinor modes is replaced with holomorphy - kind of half covariant constancy. Right-handed neutrino and antineutrino are excellent candidates for generating N=2 SCS with a minimal breaking of the corresponding space-time SUSY. N=2 SCS has also some inherent problems. The critical space-time dimension is D=4 but the existence of complex structure seems to require the space-time has metric signature different from Minkowskian: here TGD suggests a solution. N=2 SCFTs are claimed also to reduce to topological QFTs under some conditions: this need not be a problem since TGD can be characterized as almost topological QFT. What looks like a further problem is that p-adic mass calculations require half-integer valued negative conformal weight for the ground state (and vanishing weight for massless states). One can however shift the scaling generator L_0 to get rid of problem: the shift has physical interpretation in TGD framework and must be half integer valued which poses the constraint h= K/2, K=0,1,2... on the representations of SCA. N=2 SCA allows a spectral flow taking Ramond representations to Neveu-Scwartz variant of algebra. The physical interpretation is as super-symmetry mapping fermionic states to bosonic states. The representations of N=2 SCA allowing degenerate states with positive central charge c and non-vanishing ground state conformal weight h give rise to minimal models allowing ADE classification, construction of partition functions, and even of n-point functions. This could make S-matrix of TGD exactly solvable in the fermionic sector. The ADE hierarchy suggests a direct interpretation in terms of orbifold hierarchy assignable to the hierarchy of Planck constants associated with the super-symplectic algebra: primary fields would correspond to orbifolds identified as coset spaces of ADE groups. Also an interpretation in terms of inclusions of hyper-finite factors is highly suggestive.