On the Accelerated Expansion of the Universe and the Preponderance of Matter over Antimatter
When the Dirac equation is modied to include a universal all-pervading Cosmic Four Vector Field Λμ, the modied Dirac equation violates all the seven discrete symmetries, i.e., C, P, T, CP, CT, PT and CPT. The violation of the C-symmetry seems to be capable of explaining why the Universe appears to be made up chiefly of matter. By applying this Field to Einstein's original Field Equation, one is able to link this Field with Einstein's cosmological constant term, Λ. Since the cosmological term is invoked to explain the supposed accelerated expansion of the Universe, the inclusion of this Field into the Dirac equation may be justied on this basis of the accelerated expansion of the Universe. Thus, the reponderance of matter over antimatter may be justified on the same basis. In conclusion, the Einstein field (hence the Λμ - field) which causes the acceleration of the the expansion of the Universe may also be responsible for the observed asymmetry in matter and antimatter.