Cryogenic Origin & Nature of the Cosmos
This paper reviews evidence from which it may be inferred that the Cosmos emerged cryogenically from a universal void and that a hot big-bang was not needed for nucleosynthesis of hydrogen and more massive elements and their isotopes. This is based on an inventory of the material content of the Cosmos in terms of particulate mass flow. The Cosmos can be partitioned into hierarchical domains of particles ranging from neutrinos to galaxies. This leads to the estimation of a mass flux associated with each domain. At each level of the hierarchy, mass flux is found to be associated with a particular constant. Cosmic mass flux is given by the relation A = Fm, where m is mass of representative objects. F is the cumulative flux of objects with masses equal to or greater than m. The constant A is mass flow per unit area per unit time. The A = Fm relation indicates that neutrinos, electrons, protons, together with nonluminous condensed baryonic matter, constitute up to 85 percent of the gravitational content of the Cosmos. Analysis of the relation suggests that nonluminous condensed matter is but an extraordinary cryogenic phase of ordinary baryonic matter which formed and agglomerated during the nascency and evolution of the Cosmos. Cosmic microwave background blackbody radiation temperature of ~3 degrees Kelvin appears to be a relic indicator that the Cosmos began as a vast Bose-Einstein condensate which fractionated, expanded, and agglomerated hierarchically; ultimately forming cryogenic dark matter galaxies which subsequently spawned the stars that illuminate them. It is conjectured that the nucleating cores of galaxies are black holes at near zero degrees Kelvin.