On Sinusoidal Time Variation of the Newtonian Gravitational Constant
Recently, Anderson et al. (2015) published results showing strong correlation between the measured values of the Newtonian gravitational constant G and the 5:9 year oscillation of the length of day. Following this publication of Anderson et al., (2015), Schlamminger et al. (2015) compiled a more complete set of the published measurements of G made in the last 35 years where they performed a least-squares regression to a sinusoid with period 5:90 years and found this t to yields still a reasonable t to these data thus somewhat putting credence to this claim of Anderson et al. (2015). However, it is yet to be established as to whether or not this signal is gravitational in origin. In this article, we point out that in principle this sinusoidal signal has a place in the gravitomagnetic model that we are currently working on.