The Sun Is Electrically Charged & the Conundrum of the "Missing Mass" Is Explained
A study of the Sun's corona reveals that the velocities of electrons are substantially higher than the velocity of escape and the velocities of protons are well below the velocity of escape. The Solar Wind contains equal proportions of electrons and protons, it follows that there must be a mechanism for ejecting protons from the surface of the Sun and for holding back most of the electrons. It is postulated here that the Sun and all hot stars have a net positive electric charge. If a galaxy as a whole is neutral it follows that there is a net negative charge in the interstellar space in a galaxy. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that electron clouds have been detected near the bulge of the Milky Way. The next step in the reasoning is that there are attractive electrical forces between these stars and the central bulge and that these attractive forces account for the pattern of velocities of stars in orbit in a galaxy (the so-called ‘flat rotation curve’). It follows that there is no need for a hypothetical ‘missing mass’ to provide a gravitational force for this velocity pattern.