Indications of New Physics Predicted by TGD
TGD predicts a lot of physics in LHC scales. Two scaled up copies of hadron physics, higher families of gauge bosons and Higgs particles, and fundamental sfermions identifiable as bound states of fermions and right handed neutrino or antineutrino or their pair giving rise to leptoquarks states in quark sector, are suggestive. The predictive power of TGD approach comes from the p-adic length scale hypothesis allow one to predict the masses of new states from known ones by simple scaling argument. One knows precisely what to search for unlike in the case of a typical model containing large number of unknown parameters. The key prediction are two spectroscopies of new hadrons rather than a couple of some exotic particles and sooner or later their existence should become manifest. In this report I summarize the recent indications for the existence of these states. In particular, the identification of the recently reported bump at 750 GeV as f0 exotic meson of M89 hadron physics, of the reported 2 TeV bump as pion of MG, 79 physics, and of the reported 4 TeV bump as Higgs of M79 electroweak physics assignable to the second generation of weak gauge bosons. The existence of M89 neutral pion with mass around 67.5 GeV is now a rather firm prediction.