Analogs of Quantum Matrix Groups from Finite Measurement Resolution
The notion of quantum group replaces ordinary matrices with matrices with non-commutative elements. In TGD framework I have proposed that the notion should relate to the inclusions of von Neumann algebras allowing one to describe mathematically the notion of finite measurement resolution. In this article I will consider the notion of quantum matrix inspired by the recent view about quantum TGD relying on the notion of finite measurement resolution. Complex matrix elements are replaced with operators expressible as products of non-negative Hermitian operators and unitary operators analogous to the products of modulus and phase as a representation for complex numbers. The condition that determinant and sub-determinants exist is crucial for the well-defined eigenvalue problem in the generalized sense. Strong/weak permutation symmetry of determinant requires its invariance under permutations of rows and/or columns. Weak permutation symmetry means development of determinant with respect to a fixed row or column and does not pose additional conditions. For weak permutation symmetry the permutation of rows/columns would however has a natural interpretation as braiding for the Hermitian operators defined by the moduli of operator valued matrix elements and here quantum group structure emerges. The commutativity of all sub-determinants is essential for the replacement of eigenvalues with eigenvalue spectra of Hermitian operators and sub-determinants define mutually commuting set of operators. Quantum matrices define a more general structure than quantum group but provide a concrete representation and interpretation for quantum group in terms of finite measurement resolution, in particular when q is a root of unity. One can also understand the fractal structure of inclusion sequences of hyper-finite factors resulting by replacing operators appearing as matrix elements with quantum matrices.