Heuristic Assessment of Cosmic Structure and Energy Density
The cosmos can be partitioned into hierarchical domains embracing all classes of discrete objects from electrons and planetoids to galaxies and galactic superclusters. Heuristic analysis of these hierarchical domains leads to the estimation of a mass flux peculiar to the objects in each domain. At each level of the cosmic hierarchy the mass flux is found to be associated with a particular constant. This leads to a cosmic mass flux expressed by the relation mFc = A, where m is mass, Fc is the cumulative flux (passage per unit area per unit time) of objects with masses equal to or greater than m, and the quantity A which is mass flux (the mass flow per unit area per unit time). It is found that the quantity A equals the product of the mean density of matter in the universe, ρo, and the velocity of light, c, that is, A = ρoc. Apparently, the mFc = A = ρoc relation represents the cumulative mass flux of all classes of objects in the cosmic hierarchy from the least to most massive, i.e., from electrons to galactic superclusters. The mass flux parameter A is apparently a constant which accounts for the kinetic energy content of the universe due to all cosmic objects from electrons to galactic superclusters. It is found that there is close agreement between cosmic kinetic energy density, as derived from A, and the cosmic microwave background thermal energy density. The cumulative kinetic energy density of all classes of objects in the cosmos apparently equals their total mass conversion energy density. Other implications of the cosmic parameter A are discussed.