Fermi’s Weak Coupling Constant & Newtonian Gravitational Constant in Light of Potential Final Unification
In early publications on potential final unification, the authors suggested that: 1) There exists a strong interaction elementary charge of magnitude, es~4.72058686E-19 C and squared ratio of electromagnetic and strong interaction charges is equal to the strong coupling constant; 2) Like quarks, the strong interaction elementary charge is experimentally undetectable and can be called as ‘invisible elementary nuclear charge’; 3) There exists a gravitational constant associated with strong interaction, Gs~3.32956087E28 m3/kg/sec2; and 4) There exists a gravitational constant associated with electromagnetic interaction, Ge~2.374335472E37 m3/kg/sec2. Based on these concepts, the authors in this paper make an attempt to fit the magnitudes of Fermi’s weak coupling constant, Fine structure constant and Newtonian gravitational constant in a unified approach.