On Statistics, Negentropic Entanglement, Hawking Radiation & Firewall Paradox in TGD Framework
In quantum field theories (QFTs) defined in 4-D Minkowski space spin statistics theorem forces spin statistics connection: fermions/bosons with half-odd integer/integer spin correspond to totally antisymmetric/symmetric states. TGD is not a QFT and one is forced to challenge the basic assumptions of 4-D Minkowskian QFT. In the following it is show that the notion of many-sheeted space-time combined with strong form of holography (SH), Zero Energy Ontology (ZEO), Negentropy Maximization Principle (NMP), hierarchy of Planck constants heff = n x h with the identification of heffas gravitational Planck constant hgr = GMm/v0, v0/c £ 1 challenges the standard form of spin and statistics connection, suggests that quantum gravitation in astrophysical scales could be highly relevant for life, and also leads to new views about firewall paradox.