On the Nature of & Relation between Form & Formlessness: Part 1: The Evolution of the Formless into Form while Creating Lesser Form (3)
In the first part of this work the evolution of the Formless into three different levels of Form is described. Also described in the first part of this work is the coming into existence of a different type of form, or lesser form, within each level of Form, as each level of Form comes into being through the progressive flow of the Formless in relation to Itself. Further, the three different types of lesser forms that come into existence within the Formless, as the Formless, through iterative and progressive relation to Itself, evolves into different levels of Form, are each shown to correspond to one of the three different types of experiences or experiential realities of which we are able to be aware or conscious. Specifically, the lesser form that comes into existence within the first level of Form, as the first level of Form comes into being, will be shown to correspond to what we apprehend as emotional experience or emotional reality. Next, the lesser form that comes into existence within the second level of Form, as the second level of Form comes into being, will be shown to correspond to what we apprehend as mental experience or mental reality. And finally, the lesser form that comes into existence within the third level of Form will be shown to correspond to what we apprehend as physical experience or physical reality.
This third article of Part 1 contains the following sections: Sleep and dreams; Why reality appears dual; & The individualization of Beingness and the individual nature of reality.