TGD Inspired View about Black Holes and Hawking Radiation
Hawking has proposed a new solution to the information loss problem of black holes. This problem is discussed in TGD framework. The intention is to demonstrate that a pseudo problem following from the failure of General Relativity below black hole horizon is in question. There are several new elements involved but concerning black holes the most relevant new element is the assignment of Euclidian space-time regions as lines of generalized Feynman diagrams implying that also black hole interiors correspond to this kind of regions. Negentropy Maximization Principle is also an important element and predicts that number theoretically defined black hole negentropy can only increase. The real surprise was that the temperature of the variant of Hawking radiation at the flux tubes of proton Sun system is room temperature! Could TGD variant of Hawking radiation be a key player in quantum biology?