Time-Dependent Λ in C-Field Theory with LRS Bianchi Type III Universe &Barotropic Perfect Fluid
A cosmological model for barotropic fluid distribution in creation field cosmology with varying cosmological constant (Λ) in Bianchi type - III space- time is investigated. To get deterministic model satisfying conservation equation, we assume Λ = 1/ R2 as considered by Chen and Wu [13] where R is scale factor. We find that creation field (C) increase with time, Λ ~1/ t2, which matches with the result of HN theory. The deceleration parameter q < 0 which shows that universe is accelerating. The various special cases of the model (36) viz. Dust filled universe (γ = 0), radiation dominated universe (γ = 1/3) and Stiff fluid universe (γ = 1) are also discussed. The model is free from horizon.