Bianchi Type-III Inflationary Cosmological Model with Bulk Viscosity in General Relativity
Bianchi Type III inflationary cosmological model with bulk viscosity and flat potential is investigated. To get the deterministic model of the universe, we assume the condition that shear (s) is proportional to expansion (q) which leads to B = Cn where B and C are metric potentials and n is a constant. We find that spatial volume increases with time exponentially, hence represents inflationary scenario of the universe. The deceleration parameter q < 0, thus the model represents accelerating universe. The model in special case, isotropizes. The presence of bulk viscosity leads to inflationary like solution. The Hubble parameter is initially large but tends to finite limit for large values of t. The model has Point Type singularity. The Higgs field evolves slowly but the universe expands in an exponential way due to vacuum field energy.