On the Chirality of Spiral Galaxies in Clusters: An Alternative to the Dark Matter Theory
This is the fourth paper in a series on the subject that the Sun exhibits a net positive electric charge. One consequence is that hot stars such as the Sun, orbiting a galaxy, create a magnetic field. It follows that clockwise and anti-clockwise spiral galaxies will repel each other. The third paper confirmed the prediction that spiral galaxies - separated by voids between clusters - have opposite orientations. That was an important new discovery. That research also found that clockwise and anti-clockwise spiral galaxies do not mix, and clusters of galaxies have sub-sections containing either clockwise spirals or anti-clockwise spirals, not both. The present study shows more examples of this non-mixing rule. The success of this prediction militates against the dark matter theory, since it is doubtful if it can explain why dark matter should differentiate between clockwise and anti-clockwise spiral galaxies. It is also shown that Thermodynamics of dark matter is unsound.