“Crackpots” Who Were Right III
This is the third instalment of the series entitled “crackpots” who were right. It is a collection of my postings at http://blog.vixra.org. The scientists covered are Stanley Prusiner, Georg Ohm, Robbert Goddard, Carl Woese, Galileo Galilei, Barbara McClintock and J Harlen Bretz. These are the scientists whose work eventually led to a paradigm shift in their discipline and in several cases the work was recognised with a Nobel Prize, though not always for the scientists who made the initial breakthrough. For every scientists who makes such a major advance in science there are many others who take smaller steps. Undoubtedly there must be many other independent scientists whose work was so completely rejected and ignored that it never garnered any recognition and has long been forgotten. Science suffers through such neglect and that is why we think viXra.org is so important.