Interpretation of BICEP2 Results in TGD-based Cosmology
BICEP2 team has announced a possible detection of gravitational waves via the effects of gravitational waves on the spectrum on polarization of cosmic microwave background (CMB). The findings, if true, have powerful implications for cosmological models. In this article, the findings are discussed in the framework of TGD based cosmology in which the flatness of 3-space is interpreted in terms of quantum criticality rather than inflation. The key role is played by gradually thickening cosmic strings carrying magnetic monopole flux, dark energy as magnetic energy and dark matter as large ħeff phases at cosmic strings. Very thin cosmic strings dominate the cosmology before the emergence of space-time as we know it and quantum criticality is associated with the phase transition between these two phases. Later cosmic strings serve as seeds of various cosmological structures by decaying partially to ordinary matter somewhat like inflation fields in inflationary cosmology. Cosmic strings also explain the presence of magnetic fields in cosmos which is difficult to understand in standard approach. The crucial point is that, in contrast to ordinary magnetic fields, monopole fluxes do not require for their creation any currents coherent in long scales.