Physics as Generalized Number Theory III: Innite Primes
Physics as a generalized number theory program involves three threads: various p-adic physics and their fusion together with real number based physics to a larger structure, the attempt to understand basic physics in terms of classical number fields, and infinite primes discussed in this article.
The construction of infinite primes is formally analogous to a repeated second quantization of an arithmetic quantum field theory by taking the many particle states of previous level elementary particles at the new level. Besides free many particle states also the analogs of bound states appear. In the representation in terms of polynomials the free states correspond to products of first order polynomials with rational zeros. Bound states correspond to n-th order polynomials with non-rational but algebraic zeros.
The construction can be generalized to classical number fields and their complexifications obtained by adding a commuting imaginary unit. Special class corresponds to hyper-octonionic primes for which the imaginary part of ordinary octonion is multiplied by the commuting imaginary unit so that one obtains a sub-space M8 with Minkowski signature of metric. Also in this case the basic construction reduces to that for rational or complex rational primes and more complex primes are obtained by acting using elements of the octonionic automorphism group which preserve the complex octonionic integer property.