Five Dimensional Plane Wave-like Solutions of Field Equations of Israel and Trollope in Peres Space-time
The plane wave-like solutions in Peres space-time of the field equations proposed by Israel andTrollope (1961) have been derived by Srivastava (1974) using the generalized Takeno’s spacetimein four dimension. We observed that the study regarding plane wave like solutions canfurther be extended to higher five dimension and therefore an attempt has been made in thepresent paper. Thus in this paper, we have obtained the five dimensional plane wave likesolutions of field equations of Israel and Trollope’s unified field theory in Peres space-time onthe lines of Srivastava. It is found that the second set of field equations of Israel and Trollope’sunified field theory does not have any plane wave like solution. It has been pointed out that theplane wave like solutions obtained here are the generalized to that of Srivastva(1974) becausethe work of Srivastva can be reproduced from ours by reducing the dimension.