Quantum Adeles and Quantum Hilbert Spaces
Quantum arithmetics provides a possible resolution of a long-lasting challenge of finding a mathematical justification for the canonical identification mapping p-adics to reals playing a key role in TGD - in particular in p-adic mass calculations. p-Adic numbers have p-adic pinary expansions. One could map this expansion to its quantum counterpart as shown in this article. This would give 1-to-many correspondence between ordinary p-adic numbers and their quantum counterparts. It would correspond only to the process taking into account finite measurement resolution rather than replacement of p-adic number field with something new, hopefully a field. One can however imagine a third generalization of number concept. One can replace integer n with n-dimensional Hilbert space and sum + and product x with direct sum and tensor product and introduce their co-operations, the definition of which is highly non-trivial. This procedure yields also Hilbert space variants of rationals, algebraic numbers, p-adic number fields, and even complex, quaternionic and octonionic algebraics. Also adeles can be replaced with their Hilbert space counterparts. Even more, one can replace the points of Hilbert spaces with Hilbert spaces and repeat this process, which is very similar to the construction of infinite primes having interpretation in terms of repeated second quantization. This process could be the counterpart for construction of n-th order logics and one might speak of Hilbert or quantum mathematics. The construction would also generalize the notion of algebraic holography and provide self-referential cognitive representation of mathematics. This vision emerged from the connections with generalized Feynman diagrams, braids, and with the hierarchy of Planck constants realized in terms of coverings of the imbedding space. Hilbert space generalization of number concept seems to be extremely well suited for the purposes of TGD. For instance, Physical states would correspond to the Hilbert space states assignable to numbers.