The Classical Canonical Presentation of Any Quantum System upon Quantization Opens a Door to the System’s Proliferation
The time-dependent Schrodinger equation of any quantum system can be shown to follow from that quantum system's energy expectation value when this entity is appropriately treated as that system's classical Hamiltonian. In quantum theory it is normally considered imperative to carry out quantization of any such classical canonical system if one wishes to attain the maximum possible physical understanding of that system. Carrying out such ``next quantization'' of a quantum system's energy expectation value reveals a quantum system with a greatly enlarged Hilbert space relative to that of the original quantum system; this next-quantized system in fact amounts to the simultaneous coexistence of an indefinite number of copies of the original quantum system. Such an open door to physical system proliferation is, naively at least, not at odds with casual observation. It would seem to weigh on the side of the notion of a multiverse, and, insofar as it raises the possibility that no quantum system is isolated and immune to environmental decoherence, would appear to lend support to the Copenhage wave function collapse idea.