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Radar Scattering as "Gauge Theory"

Giuliano Bettini


A preliminary attempt is made in this paper to construct a spinor theory of radar scattering or radar signal-target interaction as gauge theory in quantum mechanics. In this “gauge theory” of radar scattering radar signals and radar targets may become visible macroscopic objects to be put in analogy with Standard Model particles and interactions. The basic idea is that particles and forces are all of electromagnetic nature, light, and appear different due to the size and shape of interacting objects. For the purpose of this paper, one needs first to deal with a generic radar signal in spinor form. This is done by deriving a spinor representation of the TE and TM through the Dirac equation for plane waves, starting rigorously from Maxwell's equations without any use of equivalent V, I in electrical circuits. The representation is then extended to TEM. Then I introduce a tentative procedure to express the deflection of the field in a different direction, and its variation in frequency, and rest mass. This is accomplished through the interaction with SU(2)xU(1) gauge fields, i.e., electroweak interactions. Some simple but illustrative examples are given. Of course, the ideas set out here need further research.

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