Overall View about TGD from Particle Physics Perspective
Topological Geometrodynamics is able to make rather precise and often testable predictions. In this and two other articles I want to describe the recent over all view about the aspects of quantum TGD relevant for particle physics. In the first article I will concentrate the heuristic picture about TGD with emphasis on particle physics. First I will represent briefly the basic ontology: the motivations for TGD and the notion of many-sheeted space-time, the concept of zero energy ontology, the identification of dark matter in terms of hierarchy of Planck constant which now seems to follow as a prediction of quantum TGD, the motivations for p-adic physics and its basic implications, and the identification of space-time surfaces as generalized Feynman diagrams and the basic implications of this identification.
Symmetries of quantum TGD are discussed. Besides the basic symmetries of the imbedding space geometry allowing to geometrize standard model quantum numbers and classical fields there are many other symmetries. General Coordinate Invariance is especially powerful in TGD framework allowing to realize quantum classical correspondence and implies effective 2-dimensionality realizing strong form of holography. Super-conformal symmetries of super string models generalize to conformal symmetries of 3-D light-like 3-surfaces and one can understand the generalization of Equivalence Principle in terms of coset representations for the two super Virasoro algebras associated with lightlike boundaries of so called causal diamonds defined as intersections of future and past directed lightcones ($CD$s) and with light-like 3-surfaces. Super-conformal symmetries imply generalization of the space-time supersymmetry in TGD framework consistent with the supersymmetries of minimal supersymmetric variant of the standard model. Twistorial approach to gauge theories has gradually become part of quantum TGD and the natural generalization of the Yangian symmetry identified originally as symmetry of ${\cal N}=4$ SYMs is postulated as basic symmetry of quantum TGD.
The so called weak form of electric-magnetic duality has turned out to have extremely far reaching consequences and is responsible for the recent progress in the understanding of the physics predicted by TGD. The duality leads to a detailed identification of elementary particles as composite objects of massless particles and predicts new electro-weak physics at LHC. Together with a simple postulate about the properties of preferred extremals of K\"ahler action the duality allows also to realize quantum TGD as almost topological quantum field theory giving excellent hopes about integrability of quantum TGD.
There are two basic visions about the construction of quantum TGD. Physics as infinite-dimensional K\"ahler geometry of world of classical worlds (WCW) endowed with spinor structure and physics as generalized number theory. These visions are briefly summarized as also the practical constructing involving the concept of Dirac operator. As a matter fact, the construction of TGD involves three Dirac operators. The K\"ahler Dirac equation holds true in the interior of space-time surface and its solutions havea natural interpretation in terms of description of matter, in particular condensed matter. Chern-Simons Dirac action is associated with the light-like 3-surfaces and space-like 3-surfaces at ends of space-time surface at light-like boundaries of $CD$. One can assign to it a generalized eigenvalue equation and the matrix valued eigenvalues correspond to the the action of Dirac operator on momentum eigenstates.
Momenta are however not usual momenta but pseudo-momenta very much analogous to region momenta of twistor approach. The third Dirac operator is associated with super Virasoro generators and super Virasoro conditions define Dirac equation in WCW. These conditions characterize zero energy states as modes of WCW spinor fields and code for the generalization of $S$-matrix to a collection of what I call $M$-matrices defining the rows of unitary $U$-matrix defining unitary process.
Twistor approach has inspired several ideas in quantum TGD during the last years and it seems that the Yangian symmetry and the construction of scattering amplitudes in terms of Grassmannian integrals generalizes to TGD framework. This is due to ZEO allowing to assume that all particles have massless fermions as basic building blocks. ZEO inspires the hypothesis that incoming and outgoing particles are bound states of fundamental fermions associated with wormhole throats. Virtual particles would also consist of on mass shell massless particles but without bound state constraint. This implies very powerful constraints on loop diagrams and there are excellent hopes about their finiteness. Twistor approach also inspires the conjecture that quantum TGD allows also formulation in terms of 6-dimensional holomorphic surfaces in the product $CP_3\times CP_3$ of two twistor spaces and general arguments allow to identify the partial different equations satisfied by these surfaces.