State-finder Diagnostic for Binary Mixture of Anisotropic Dark Energy and Perfect Fluid in Bianchi Type-III Universe
In the present work, new Bianchi type-III cosmological models with binary mixture of perfect fluid and anisotropic dark energy have been studied. In order to obtain a unique solution, it is assumed that the energy conservation equation of the perfect fluid and dark energy vanishes separately together with a special law for the mean Hubble parameter [Berman ,1983] which generates two types of solutions, one is of power law type and other is of the exponential form. To have a general description of an anisotropic dark energy component, a phenomenological parameterization of dark energy in terms of its equation of state (EoS) and two skewness parameters (γ, δ) have been introduced. The statefinder diagnostic pair is used to characterize different phases of the universe. The various geometric and kinematic properties of the models and the behavior of the anisotropy of the dark energy have been discussed.