The Dawn of a Brave New World in Particle Physics
This issue of Prespacetime Journal celebrates the great success of LHC and Tevatron through a series of Special Reports written by Philip Gibbs, several Editorials and other regular pieces. All people associated with LHC and Tevatron deserve our special thanks. We are in the super-connected Age of Internet and technological wonders made possible through science. There is no doubt that we are also at the dawn of a brave New World in particle physics and science overall. Every genuine truth seeker should seize this moment. Here we briefly discuss: (1) the great unknown in light of the great success of LHC and Tevatron, (2) Higgsless models published in this journal; and (3) the search for the genuine “God Particle.” What we have witnessed so far is the rise of collaborative spirit in physics. We urge all genuine truth seekers to work together to make the brave New World a reality. We conclude with a poem “A Praise to Prespacetime.”